Manage mobile devices
After enrolling your Android mobile devices, you can start managing them.
Out of the standard endpoint management available for all endpoint devices, mobile device management offers several features available only for mobile device management.
Manage mobile devices via client tasks
Anti-Theft actions (applies to Android and iOS devices)—These tasks are available for managed mobile devices only, such as Find, Lock and Factory reset. The tasks enable the administrator to locate the mobile device remotely, Lock it and, if the situation requires, wipe the mobile device.
See all the client tasks for mobile devices.
Mobile device client task triggers You can use only these triggers for mobile device client tasks: •As Soon As Possible •Joined Dynamic Group Trigger Client tasks with triggers other than those above will fail with the Trigger type not supported message. |
Manage Android devices via policies
Assign the ESET Endpoint Security for Android policy, where you can customize each of the available Android management settings. For example:
•Remote application installation—You can remotely push required applications installation on the mobile device by adding them to the list in the policy:
1.Navigate to your existing applied ESET Endpoint Security for Android policy (or create a new one for this purpose).
2.Under Application control, enable the Enable Application control toggle.
3.Click List of applications and add the applications you want to install on the mobile device remotely after applying the policy.
4.The mobile device user will receive a notification and can decide whether to install the application.
Policy restrictions on devices enrolled via Microsoft Intune or VMware Workspace ONE When you enroll a device via Microsoft Intune or VMware Workspace ONE, ESET Endpoint Security for Android ignores the following policy settings: •Devices running Android 9 and later: Device security, Application control, Anti-Theft •Devices with the work profile: Anti-Phishing, Web control |
Manage iOS devices via policies
Management of iOS devices allows the CloudMDM functionality to enroll and manage iOS devices in ESET PROTECT in the standard or ABM enrollment mode.
Assign the ESET MDM for iOS & iPadOS policy, where you can customize each of the available iOS management settings. For example: