List of permissions
Permission types
When creating or editing a permission set in More > Permission Sets > New / Edit > Functionality there is a list of all available permissions. ESET PROTECT Web Console permissions are divided into categories; for example, Groups & Computers, Policies, Client Tasks, Reports, Notifications and so on. A given permissions set can allow for Read, Use or Write access. In general:
•Read permissions are good for auditing users. They can view data but cannot make changes.
•Use permissions allow users to use objects, run tasks, but not modify or delete.
•Write permissions allow users to either modify respective objects and/or duplicate them.
Certain types of permissions (listed below) control a process, not an object. That is why they work on a global level, so it does not matter which static group is the permission applied on, it will work regardless. If the process is allowed to a user he can use it only over objects for which he has sufficient permissions. For example, the Export report to file permission enables the exporting functionality, however data contained in the report are determined by other permissions.
Read our Knowledgebase article with example tasks and permission sets that user needs to successfully perform the tasks. |
Functionalities to which the current user does not have access rights are unavailable (grayed out). |
Users can be assigned permissions for the following processes:
•Agent Deployment
•Reports and Dashboard (only the functionality of the Dashboard will be available, the usable report templates are still dependent on accessible static groups)
•Send Email
•Export report to file
•AD Scanner Access Token
•Comprehensive reports
•ESET MDR reports
Functionality types:
Groups & Computers
Read - List computers, groups and computers within a group.
Use - Use a computer/group as a target for a policy or task.
Write - Create, modify and remove computers. This also includes renaming a computer or a group.
Permission Sets
Read - Read the list of permission sets and the list of access rights within them.
Use - Assign/remove existing permission sets for users.
Write - Create, modify and remove permission sets.
When assigning (or un-assigning) a permission set to a user, Write permission is required for Mapped accounts. |
Mapped accounts
Read - List mapped accounts.
Write - Allows granting/revoking of permission sets.
Stored Installers
Read - List stored installers.
Use - Export stored installer.
Write - Create/modify/remove stored installers.
Server Tasks & Triggers
Read - Read the list of tasks and their settings (except of sensitive fields like passwords).
Use - Execute an existing task with Run Now (as the user currently logged to the Web Console).
Write - Create, modify and remove server tasks.
Categories can be expanded by clicking the sign and single or multiple types of server tasks can be selected.
Client Tasks
Read - Read the list of tasks and their settings (except of sensitive fields like passwords).
Use - Schedule execution of existing Client Tasks or cancel their execution. Note that for assignment of tasks (or assignment cancellation) to targets (computers or groups) additional Use access is required for the affected targets.
Write - Create, modify or remove existing Client Tasks. Note that for assignment of tasks (or assignment cancellation) to targets (computers or groups) additional Use access is required for the affected target objects.
Categories can be expanded by clicking the sign and single or multiple types of Client Tasks can be selected.
Dynamic Groups Templates
Read - Read the list of Dynamic Groups templates.
Use - Use existing templates for dynamic groups.
Write - Create, modify and remove Dynamic Group templates.
Encryption recovery
Use - Manage the encryption recovery process.
Reports and Dashboard
Read - List report templates and their categories. Generate reports based on report templates. Read your own dashboards based on default dashboards.
Use - Modify your own dashboards with available report templates.
Write - Create, modify, remove existing report templates and their categories. Modify default dashboards.
Read - Read the list of policies and configuration within them.
Use - Assign existing policies to targets (or cancel their assignment). Note, that for the affected targets additional Use access is necessary.
Write - Create, modify and remove policies.
Send Email
Use - Send emails. (Useful for Notifications and Generate Report server tasks.)
Read - Read the list of licenses and their usage statistics.
Use - Use the license for activation.
Write - Add and remove licenses. (The user must have home group set to All. By default only the Administrator can do it.)
Read - Read the list of notifications and their settings.
Use - Assign tags.
Write - Create, modify, remove notifications.
Write - Modify ESET PROTECT Settings.
Audit log
Read - View Audit log and read the Audit log report.
AD Scanner Access Token
Write - Required for AD synchronization.
Comprehensive reports
Use - Generate the MDR Report Template.
ESET MDR reports
Use - Required for MDR Report Archive.
Write - Generate the ESET MDR reports.
Granted ESET Inspect Functionality
This is a list of individual ESET Inspect functionalities that a user will have access to. For more details, see the ESET Inspect User Guide. A Web Console user requires Read permission or higher for Access to ESET Inspect.