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Subscription usage

Subscription usage provides information on your ESET subscription so you can use the free subscription units or efficiently manage the use of existing subscription units. In this section, you can rename, remove or identify devices/servers using your subscription. You can also find information on free and shared subscription seats.


Even if you do not see protected macOS devices as connected devices in your ESET HOME account, subscription usage reflects them as used subscription units.

After logging in to your ESET HOME account, in the Subscriptions section, click All subscriptions > Open subscription. The screen is divided into two sections:

Device overview

You see all subscription units in the following categories:

Devices connected to your ESET HOME account—Devices/servers protected by your subscription and connected to your ESET HOME account. If someone else uses some of the devices you see under this category, they can manage it from their ESET HOME account. Refer to creating an ESET HOME account and adding the device for more information.

Other devices protected by your subscription—Devices/servers protected by your subscription that are not connected to an ESET HOME account yet. Refer to the guide for connecting the device to your ESET HOME account.

People you're sharing your subscription with—Devices protected by your subscription and connected to someone else's ESET HOME account. In this category, every shared subscription seat is represented by the user's email address and the invitation status. It could be:

a)Invitation sent—You sent the invitation email to someone else and are awaiting acceptance.

b)Invitation accepted—Your friend accepted the invitation but did not activate the ESET product on their device.

c)Activated—Your friend accepted and activated the ESET product.


If your subscription has five free units and you want to share two subscription units with someone else, you can send them an invitation. They accept the invitation, but only one product will be activated with the shared protection. You will see the invitation statuses as Activated and Invitation Accepted. Your Subscription usage will reflect the two shared units as (2/5). However, the Usage status will only consider the activated device.

Devices/Servers devices protected by your subscription may have the following security statuses:

Icon-OKProtected—The device/server device is protected, updated regularly, and its subscription has not expired.

importantAttention required—The ESET product is working, but the device/server device has an issue.

warningSecurity alert—The ESET product does not work correctly.

Not active more than (weeks, months, year)—This status appeared on your device when:

The device has not communicated with your ESET HOME account for an extended period (for example, a broken device). If you no longer use this device, remove it to free up the subscription seats.

You are using the force stop or cleaning application on your Android device. In this case, manually open the ESET Mobile Security application on your Android device to work correctly and solve the issue.


To ensure your Android device is active and properly protected, we recommend adding the ESET Mobile Security application to the Ignore list or whitelist in your Force stop/cleaning application. The method to exclude an app from the force stop process may vary depending on your application.

Subscription overview

General information—The section provides all information about the subscription, including subscription name, subscription status, usage status, subscription model, expiration date, support ID and activation key.

Activated protection—The section provides information about the device/server usage based on your subscription capacity, including security features. The number displays activated out of purchased devices/server devices.
