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Create new ESET Threat Intelligence account

Create a new ESET Threat Intelligence instance

1.Open the ESET Business Account and log in (or create a new account).

2.Click Licenses > Enter License Key.


3.In the Add License window, type your ESET Threat Intelligence license key and click Add License.


4.You will receive a verification email (if you do not receive the email, follow the Knowledgebase article instructions). Click Verify license.


5.Open ESET Threat Intelligence login page and use your ESET Business Account login credentials to login.

6.After the login, you will be prompted with a Terms of Use window.

7.Select if you want to proceed with DEMO account or Approved account. For Approved account request the account approval and wait for email confirmation that your account was approved.

8.In the next step you can check either APT reports of TAXII feeds.