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MSP Licenses

Information on licenses and companies

Licenses imported from your MSP account are tagged with the company name. If the company is renamed later, the tags are not renamed automatically. You can edit them manually.

All licenses are imported in a way compatible with the ESET PROTECT security model. Each user created using the MSP Customer setup can only see and use their licenses.

If there is a company in your MSP structure which has no licenses by the time of synchronization, that company is synchronized only to the computer MSP Tree, not to the MSP Tree inside License Management.

If you add a new company in ESET MSP Administrator 2, ESET PROTECT adds the company to the MSP tree after the next license synchronization.

Licenses from ESET MSP Administrator 2 are divided into one pool for each company. You cannot move a license out of the pool.

You can find company names and sites in the License User column in the License Management. You can use the License User data when creating a report.

If you have licenses both in ESET Business Account and ESET MSP Administrator 2 under the same credentials, ESET PROTECT synchronizes all licenses from both accounts. All ESET Business Account licenses are saved in multiple license pools. Licenses from ESET MSP Administrator 2 are divided into one pool for each company.



On-demand synchronization

The ESET PROTECT synchronizes with the license servers once a day. If you have made changes in your MSP account and you want to update the license screen and MSP tree, navigate to License Management > Actions and click Synchronize Licenses.