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You can download all device activity including the geographical IP location of your device, web camera photos from your device, and screenshots of your desktop, so you can easily hand it over to police if your device was stolen. Click Download activity, and specify the content you are interested in:


Only Webcam images

Only Locations


Please note that if your device cannot connect to the internet, you cannot retrieve any data. We recommend that you enable notifications in the Settings tab.

Check if Anti-Theft is working on your device

You can run a test to see what is currently happening on your device:

1.Click Run a test to test the functionality of Anti-Theft on your device.

2.After few minutes you will be prompted to confirm screenshots and location log creation in ESET Mobile Security, ESET Internet Security or ESET Smart Security Premium.

3.Anti-Theft will run a test and gather the aforementioned data. You will also receive an email notification about collected photos and screenshots.

4.After the data is gathered, click Download activity to download the archive, including all pictures, screenshots, and location info available for your device.

Data available via Anti-Theft at ESET HOME

Here you can preview screenshots and webcam pictures taken from your device. There is a date and time of creation shown under each picture and icons, allowing you to mark the picture as important or delete the picture.

Information we collect and how we use it

All information collected from your device is safely stored on ESET servers.

ESET collects information for the purposes of development, personalization of services, and customer care. ESET is committed to taking all appropriate measures to protect and minimize the risk of unauthorized access to, improper use of, or inaccuracy of your personal information. To read more about what information we collect and how we use it, view our Privacy Policy.