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Call description

This call returns a daily usage report of the selected categories for the selected company. The report includes the company list as well as the category list belonging to the current company.

This API call requires authorization; the user has to be logged in.

Request URL:

This request is a POST call type.

Call structure

  "categories": [
  "from": "",
  "to": "",
  "companyId": "string",
  "skip": 0,
  "take": 0

Call parameters




Type in one or more category codes. See the list of categories.

To enter categories, use following syntax: "categories": ["category_1","category_2","ccategory_3"] Replace the category_x placeholders with the actual values.

from, to

The from and to parameters specify the date boundaries for the report. The date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2018-12-21.

Mandatory input parameter. A proper value must be set.


companyId is a unique identifier of a company. To get the companyId of the logged in user, use /api/User/Current call.

Mandatory input parameter. A proper value must be set.

skip, take

If the requested data set is too large, you can split the response into smaller chunks. It works similarly to the paging function. The skip parameter indicates how many entries should be skipped and the take parameter indicates how many entries should be listed. The take value must be from 1 to 100.

For example:

to list the first 20 entries, set up: "skip": 0, "take": 20

to list the second 20 entries (from 21 to 40), set up: "skip": 20, "take": 20

Response structure

The response contains data in the JSON format.

The key part of this report is the usagePerDays section, where the report lists all days included in the requested time period (from, to) and adds usage value to each day.

hmtoggle_plus0Example response


ESET MSP Administrator 2 API uses standardized error codes. If you are getting errors or unexpected responses, see the Troubleshooting API for common problems and the list of error codes.

List of error codes