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Users and permission sets

ESET PROTECT security model

These are key terms used in the security model:



Home group

The home group is where all objects (devices, tasks, templates, and so on) a user creates are automatically stored. Each user must only have one home group.


Each object (computer, task, policy, report, or notification) is in a static group. Access to objects is by groups, not users (providing access by group makes it easy to accommodate multiple users, for example, if one user is on holiday).

Access Group

Access Group sets the object's Static Group and access to the object based on the user's access rights.


An administrator is a user with the home group All and a full permission set over the group.

Access right

The right to access an object or to execute a task is assigned with a permission set.

Permission set

A permission set represents the permissions for users who access the ESET PROTECT Web Console. A permission set defines what a user can see or do in the ESET PROTECT Web Console. A user can be assigned multiple permission sets. Permission sets are applied only to objects in defined static groups.


Functionality is one type of object or action. Typically, functionality gets these values: Read, Write, or Use. The combination of functionality applied to an access group is called a permission set.

For more detailed information, see Access Rights in the ESET PROTECT Administration Guide.

Create a new ESET PROTECT Web Console user

A fresh ESET PROTECT setup initially has a default administrator (a user with the home group All and access to everything) as the only user.


ESET does not recommend using the default administrator user account. You should create another administrator account. You can also create additional users with narrower access rights based on your desired competencies.