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Backup database

Backup is an absolutely vital part of a sound disaster recovery strategy. Using the Backup database feature, you will get your ESET PROTECT database backed up and stored in MySQL backup file.


Alternatively, you can back up the database manually.


We recommend that you back up your ESET PROTECT database frequently and save the backup file on an external storage. This is important because you will have a copy of the whole ESET PROTECT database stored elsewhere (not locally on your ESET PROTECT VA), should a disaster happen. For example if your ESET PROTECT VA gets broken, deleted or otherwise destroyed. Having a recent ESET PROTECT database backup, you will be able to restore ESET PROTECT VA to the state it was in shortly before the disaster. For detailed procedure see ESET PROTECT VA disaster recovery.

1.Log in to the management mode by typing your password (specified during ESET PROTECT VA configuration) and pressing Enter twice. Select Backup database using the arrow keys and then press Enter.


2.Type your database root password to start the database backup.


If you do not remember database root password, you can change it and run the database backup again.



This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours depending on the size of your database.

During the database backup process, ESET PROTECT Server stops to ensure data consistency.


Always check the screen for errors. If there are error messages, the database backup cannot be considered successfully completed. Try running Backup database again.

You will find the database backup here:



Download the backup file using Webmin File manager to a safe location.