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Advanced setup

Network options

Auto-secure networks—When enabled, all new networks are marked as Secured.

Current network—The network to which your VPN app is currently connected.

Other networks—All available networks to VPN connection.

Settings available for all networks:

Auto-secure—Click the toggle to enable, and the VPN will be automatically connected when your device is connected to this network.



To make the Auto-secure and Auto-secure networks features work properly, you must enable the Auto connect option.

Preferred protocol—When enabled, you can select the Protocol and Port from the drop-down menu.



Manual connection mode settings are not applied if a Preferred protocol is enabled.

Forget this network—Click to remove its settings which prevents your device to connect to VPN automatically.

Split tunneling

This feature is available for desktops and Android devices. Split tunneling allows you to decide what apps, IPs and hostnames go through the ESET VPN encryption and what gets connected directly to the internet.

When enabled, you can select Exclusive or Inclusive mode from the drop-down menu and add the Apps or click IPs & hostnames, and type the IP address or hostname to include in or exclude from the VPN tunnel.


Split tunneling will not work correctly with websites that redirect IP check to a Content Delivery Network infrastructure, for example

Advanced parameters

Advanced parameters enable hidden feature flags that do not warrant a user interface. It is usually used for debugging/very advanced troubleshooting.

ws-log-api-response—Instruct the VPN app to log the .json received from the server API endpoint. An app restart is not required, as this setting takes effect immediately.

ws-wireguard-verbose-logging—Instruct the app to log all WireGuard service messages. By default, to reduce log bloat, the app will only log service startup messages until the connection is established. After that, any status messages (for example, keypair setup, keep-alive, etc.) will be discarded.

ws-screen-transition-hotkeys—Set this advanced parameter to enable several keyboard shortcuts to facilitate screenshotting each screen, which will transition you to a specific screen.

ws-use-icmp-pings—Instruct the app to use legacy-style ICMP pings instead of curl requests.

ws-connect-show-locations 1—Keep the locations tray open after location selection.

MAC Spoofing

This feature is available for desktops. Click the toggle to enable MAC Spoofing, and select the interface from the drop-down menu.

Auto-rotate MAC

Click the toggle to enable Auto-rotate MAC. After you switch networks or disconnect from your current network and reconnect to it, your MAC address will be set to a random hexadecimal value to increase your device's security and protection.

Ignore SSL errors

If a TLS (Transport Layer Security) interception device on a network attempts to bump SSL, API calls will fail. Enabling this feature makes API communications insecure, as the app will not validate the TLS certificate's authenticity.

Client-side keepalive

Client-side keepalive is a feature that prevents prolonged idle tunnel states by emitting occasional ICMP packets over the tunnel.