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Release notes

ESET Connect 2.7

Release date: June 26, 2024

IMPROVED: Infrastructure & security

ESET Connect 2.6

Release date: May 31, 2024

CHANGED: Pending & timeout settings.

IMPROVED: Security & performance improvements.

ESET Connect 2.5

Release date: May 03, 2024

ADDED: Support for the Canada region data centers.

REMOVED: Support for OAuth grant type: client_credentials.

ESET Connect 2.4 (Hotfix)

Release date: March, 2024

IMPROVED: Security & performance improvements.

ESET Connect 2.3.1 (Hotfix)

Release date: March, 2024

Stabilization & security improvements.

FIXED: Devices from dynamic groups are now accessible via v1/devices & v1/device_groups endpoints.

FIXED: Behavior of /v1/devices:batchGet endpoint was adjusted to better reflect the expected behavior.

FIXED: API works even for a single UUID input.

FIXED: batchGet fails if any of the entries do not exist (atomic operation).

ESET Connect 2.3.1

Release date: February, 2024

ADDED: Enhanced Access Management.

ADDED: New OAuth grant type: password.

ADDED: OAuth grant type: client_credentials deprecated.

IMPROVED: Optimized Performance:

IMPROVED: The rate limit was lowered to 10 for smoother interactions.

IMPROVED: LastPageToken behavior refined for enhanced navigation.

IMPROVED: General performance and stability improvements.

IMPROVED: API Documentation Upgrade.

IMPROVED: Swagger OpenAPI upgraded to v3.

IMPROVED: Simplified access via a single URL.

FIXED: Unified User Experience. Error codes unified for a consistent experience.

ESET Connect 2.0

Release date: October, 2023

ADDED: Support for the following APIs:


oApplication Management


oDevice Management

oIncident Management

oOS integration

oPolicy Management

oInstaller Management