ESET Shell

You can configure access rights to product settings, features and data via eShell by changing the ESET Shell execution policy. The default setting is Limited scripting, but you can change it to Disabled, Read-only or Full access if needed.


eShell cannot be used at all. Only the configuration of eShell itself is allowed - in ui eshell context. You can customize the appearance of eShell, but cannot access product settings or data.

Read only

eShell can be used as a monitoring tool. You can view all settings in both Interactive and Batch mode, but you cannot modify any settings or features or modify any data.

Limited scripting

In Interactive mode, you can view and modify all settings, features and data. In Batch mode eShell will function as if you were in Read-only mode; however, if you use signed batch files, you will be able to edit settings and modify data.

Full access

Access to all settings is unlimited in both Interactive and Batch mode (when running batch files). You can view and modify any setting. You must use an administrator account to run eShell with full access. If UAC is enabled, elevation is also required.