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Call description

This request returns detailed information about the user you are updating.  You can only update a user you have write permission to update.

This API call requires authorization; the user has to be logged in.

Request URL:

This request is a POST call type.

Call structure


  "userId": "string",

  "firstName": "string",

  "lastName": "string",

  "description": "string",

  "phone": "string",

  "countryCode": "string",

  "permissionType": "Write",

  "specificPermissions": {

    "additionalProp1": 0,

    "additionalProp2": 0,

    "additionalProp3": 0



Call parameters




The unique identifier of the user you are updating. You can get the UserId from GetUserDetails call.

Mandatory input parameter. A proper value must be set.


The user's first name. The first name does not need to be unique.


The user's surname. The surname does not need to be unique.


Description field.


User's phone number.


Three-letter code identifier for the country. Use only codes from the list.


Set up the permission for the user. The available permissionType values are:

1  (write to parent)

2  (read to parent)

3  (no access to parent).

specificPermissions, additionalProp1

You can update the specificPermissions only if the permissionType of the current user in relation to the user's parent company is set to 2 or 3. SpecificPermissions contains the companyID and permissions type:

1  (write to company)

2  (read to company).

You can set up multiple specificPermissions in the request; see the call structure for more information.

Response structure

The response contains data in the JSON format.

If the request is successful, you will receive response with the requested information; similar to GetUserDetails, of the updated user.

hmtoggle_plus0Example response


ESET MSP Administrator 2 API uses standardized error codes. If you are getting errors or unexpected responses, see the Troubleshooting API for common problems and the list of error codes.

List of error codes