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Web Console installation - Linux

Follow these steps to install the ESET PROTECT Web Console:


You can install the ESET PROTECT Web Console on a different computer than the computer running the ESET PROTECT Server. This requires additional steps.

1.Install the Apache Tomcat and  Java packages. Example package names below may differ from packages available in your Linux distribution repository.

Linux distribution

Terminal commands

Debian and Ubuntu distributions

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk tomcat9

CentOS and Red Hat distributions

yum update
yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk tomcat


zypper refresh
zypper install java-1_8_0-openjdk tomcat

2.Download the Web Console file (era.war):


3.Copy the era.war file to the Tomcat folder:

Debian and Ubuntu distributions

sudo cp era.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/

CentOS and Red Hat distributions

sudo cp era.war /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/

OpenSUSE distribution

sudo cp era.war /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/

Alternatively, you can extract the contents of era.war to /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/era/.

4.Restart the Tomcat service to deploy the .war file:

Debian and Ubuntu distributions

sudo service tomcat9 restart

CentOS and Red Hat distributions

sudo service tomcat restart

OpenSUSE distribution

sudo service tomcat restart

5.If you installed the ESET PROTECT Web Console on a different computer than the ESET PROTECT Server, perform these additional steps to enable communication between ESET PROTECT Web Console and ESET PROTECT Server:

a)Stop the Tomcat service: sudo service tomcat stop

b)Edit the file:

sudo nano /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/era/WEB-INF/classes/sk/eset/era/g2webconsole/server/modules/config/

If the file is not located in the above path, you can use the following command to find the file on your system:

find / -iname ""

c)Find the server_address=localhost

d)Replace localhost with the IP address of your ESET PROTECT Server and save the file.

e)Restart the Tomcat service: sudo service tomcat restart

6. Open the ESET PROTECT Web Console in a supported web browser to see a login screen:

From the computer hosting the ESET PROTECT Web Console: http://localhost:8080/era

From any computer with internet access to the ESET PROTECT Web Console (substitute IP_ADDRESS_OR_HOSTNAME with the IP address or hostname of your ESET PROTECT Web Console): http://IP_ADDRESS_OR_HOSTNAME:8080/era

7.Configure the Web Console after the installation:

The default HTTP port is set to 8080 during the manual installation of Apache Tomcat. We recommend that you set up an HTTPS connection for Apache Tomcat.

See also the additional Web Console configuration for enterprise solutions or low-performance systems.