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Connect ESET PROTECT Server to a database

Follow the steps below on the machine where ESET PROTECT Server is installed to connect it to a database.

1.Stop the ESET PROTECT Server service.

2.Find startupconfiguration.ini





3.Change the database connection string in ESET PROTECT Server startupconfiguration.ini

oSet the address and port of the new database server.

oSet new ESET PROTECT username and password in the connection string.


If you select Log in as current Windows user during the ESET PROTECT Server installation (all-in-one or standalone installation), the username and password are not visible in the startupconfiguration.ini file. You see Trusted_Connection=yes instead.

The final result should look like:

Microsoft SQL:


DatabaseConnectionString=Driver=SQL Server;Server=TARGETHOST,1433;Uid=TARGETLOGIN;Pwd={TARGETPASSWD};CharSet=utf8;Database=TARGETDBNAME;


DatabaseConnectionString=Driver=MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver;Server=TARGETHOST;Port=3306;User=TARGETLOGIN;


In the configuration above, replace:

TARGETHOST with the address of the target database server

TARGETDBNAME with the name of the target ESET PROTECT database (after migration)

TARGETLOGIN with the login name for the new ESET PROTECT database user on the target database server

TARGETPASSWD with the password of the new ESET PROTECT database user on the target database server

4.Start the ESET PROTECT Server and verify that the service is running correctly.