Events on managed computers or groups
This option is used for notifications not associated with a Dynamic Group, but based on system events filtered out from the event log. Select a log category on which the notification will be based and a logical operator for filters.
Category—select from the following event categories:
•Firewall detection
•Antivirus detection
•Computer first connected
•Computer identity recovered
•Computer cloning question created
•New MSP customer found
•ESET Inspect incidents
According to the selected category, there is a list of available events under Settings > Filter By. Values in filters are compared directly with the events sent by the clients. There is no definite list of available values.
Monitored static groups—click Select or Create new group and select static groups to narrow down the monitored devices you want to be notified about. If you do not select any static groups, you will receive notifications for all devices you have access to.
Skip muted devices—if you select this check box, you will not receive notifications from muted computers (muted computers will be excluded from notifications).
Under Settings, select an Operator and values for the filter (Filter By). Only one operator can be selected and all values will be evaluated together using that operator. Click Add Filter to add a new value for the filter.
Default message content has an informative purpose; you cannot customize it. You can customize the message delivered via a notification in the Distribution section.