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Manage Policies

Policies are grouped/categorized by ESET product. Built-in policies contain pre-defined policies and custom policies list categories of all the policies you have manually created or modified.

Actions available for policies:

details_default Show Details

Show policy details.

audit_log Audit Log

View the Audit Log for the selected item.

add_new_default New

Create a new policy.

icon_tags Tags

Edit tags (assign, unassign, create, delete).

edit_default Edit

Modify an existing policy.

duplicate_default Duplicate

Create a new policy based on an existing policy you have selected. Duplicate policy requires a new name.

change_default Change Assignments

Assign a policy to a group or a client.

delete_default Delete

Delete a policy. See also policy removal rules.

import_default Import

Click Policies > Import, click Choose File and browse for the file you want to import. You can import only a .dat file that contains the policies exported from ESET PROTECT Web Console. You cannot import an .xml file that contains the policies exported from ESET security product. The imported policies will apppear under Custom Policies.

icon_export Export

Select check boxes next to policies you want to export from the list and click Actions > Export. The policies will be exported to a .dat file. To export all policies from the selected category, select the check box in the table header.

move_default Access Group > move_default Move

Move the object to another Static Group where it is available to users with sufficient rights for the target group. Changing the Access Group is useful when solving access issues with other users. Access Group sets the object's Static Group and access to the object based on the user's access rights.


Migrating policies to ESET PROTECT

While migrating policies from ESET PROTECT On-Prem to ESET PROTECT, do not export any ESET Management Agent policies.
