Computer Details
To find out details about a computer, select a client computer in a Static or Dynamic Group and click Details or click the computer name to display the Computer preview side panel on the right side.
The Inspect icon opens the ESET Inspect Web Console Computers section. ESET Inspect is only available when you have ESET Inspect license and ESET Inspect connected to ESET PROTECT. A Web Console user needs Read permission or above for Access to ESET Inspect or Read permission or above for ESET Inspect User.
The information window consists of the following parts:
•Click the edit icon to change the computer's name or description. You can select Allow Duplicate Name if there is already another managed computer with the same name.
•Click Select tags to assign tags.
•FQDN—fully qualified domain name of the computer
If you have your client computers and ESET PROTECT Server running under Active Directory, you can automate populating Name and Description fields using Static Group Synchronization task. |
•Parent Group—Change the parent Static group of the computer.
•IP—the IP address of the machine.
•Applied Policies Count—Click the number to see the applied policies list.
•Member of Dynamic Groups—The list of Dynamic Groups in which the client computer was present during the latest replication.
This tile contains a list of key hardware parameters, information about operating systems and unique identifiers. Click the tile to view the Details—Hardware tab. See also hardware inventory.
•Alerts—Link to list of problems with current computer.
•Unresolved Detections Count—Count of unresolved detections. Click the count to see the list of unresolved detections.
•Last Connected Time—Last Connected displays the date and time of last connection of the managed device. A green dot indicates that the computer connected less than 10 minutes ago. The Last Connected information gets highlighted to indicate that the computer is not connecting:
oYellow (error)—computer is not connecting for 2-14 days.
oRed (warning)—computer is not connecting for more than 14 days.
•Last Boot Time—The date and time of the last start for the managed device. The managed computer must run the ESET Management Agent 10.0 and later to see the Last Boot Time. An earlier Agent version reports n/a.
•Last Scan Time—Time information for the last scan.
•Detection Engine—Version of detection engine on the target device.
•Updated—The update status.
Products & Licenses
List of ESET components installed on the computer. Click the tile to view the Details—Product & Licenses tab.
The encryption tile is visible only on workstations that support ESET Full Disk Encryption.
•Click Encrypt Computer to start the Enable Encryption wizard.
•When the encryption is active, click Manage to manage encryption options.
•If the user cannot log in with their password or the encrypted data on the workstation is not accessible due to a technical problem, the administrator can initiate the encryption recovery process.
ESET LiveGuard Advanced
The tile provides basic information about the service. It can have two tile statuses:
•White—The default state. After the ESET LiveGuard Advanced is activated and working, the tile is still in the white state.
•Yellow—If there is a problem with the ESET LiveGuard Advanced service, the tile turns yellow and displays information about the issue.
You need the ESET LiveGuard Advanced license to activate ESET LiveGuard Advanced. |
Available actions:
•Enable—Click Enable to set up the activation task and policy for the ESET LiveGuard Advanced product on the current machine. Alternatively, click a computer or the gear icon next to a static group and select
Solutions >
Enable ESET LiveGuard. In the configuration window, select the protection level and click Enable ESET LiveGuard:
oOptimal protection (recommended)—At-risk files, including document types that support macros, will be sent to a secure ESET server for automated scanning and behavioral analysis. Access to the files is limited until they have been evaluated as safe.
oBasic protection—ESET LiveGuard Advanced will scan a limited set of files.
•Submitted files—The list of all files submitted to ESET servers.
After enabling ESET LiveGuard Advanced:
•The ESET LiveGuard dashboard will display the enhanced reporting of ESET LiveGuard Advanced from your managed network.
•Each device with ESET LiveGuard Advanced will have the enabled ESET LiveGrid® Reputation System and ESET LiveGrid® Feedback System. Check your device policies.
•Logged users (computers only)—Domain and username of the users logged on the device.
•Assigned users
oClick Assign user to assign a user from Computer Users to this device.
A computer can only be assigned to max. 200 users in one operation. |
oClick the trash icon to un-assign a current user.
oClick the assigned user's username to display their account details.
The tile is available for mobile devices only. You can localize devices in iOS Apple Business Manager (ABM) only when Lost Mode is activated.
The tile appears after you mark the computer as master for cloning and displays the VDI settings. Click the gear icon to change the VDI settings.
The following buttons are available at the bottom:
•Click the Network Isolation button to run the network isolation client tasks on the computer:
•Virtualization button is used to set up the computer for cloning. It is required when computers are cloned or computers' hardware is changed.
oDisable hardware detection—Disable detection of the hardware changes permanently. This action is irreversible!
oUnmark as Master for Cloning—Remove the master flag. After this is applied, each new cloning of the machine results in a question.
Hardware fingerprint detection is not supported on: •Linux, macOS, Android, iOS •machines without ESET Management Agent |
Configuration tab—Contains list of configurations of installed ESET products (ESET Management Agent, ESET endpoint, etc.). Available actions are:
•Click Request configuration to create a task for ESET Management Agent to collect all the managed product configurations. After the task is delivered to ESET Management Agent, it is executed immediately, and the results are delivered to ESET PROTECT Server on the next connection. This will allow you to see the list of all managed product configurations.
•Open a configuration via the context menu and convert it to a policy. Click a configuration to see it in the viewer.
•When you open the configuration, you can convert it to a policy. Click Convert to Policy, the current configuration will be transferred to the policy wizard, and you can modify and save the configuration as a new policy.
•Download a configuration for diagnostics and support purposes. Click a selected configuration and click Download for diagnostics in the drop-down menu.
Applied Policies tab—A list of policies applied to the device. If you have applied a policy for an ESET product or ESET product feature that is not installed on the computer, the listed policy is unavailable.
You can see the policies assigned to the selected device as well as policies applied to groups containing the device. There is a lock icon |
Click Manage Policies to manage, edit, assign or delete a policy. Policies are applied based on their order (Policy Order column). To change the policy application priority, select the check box next to a policy and click Apply Sooner or Apply Later.
Applied Exclusions tab—List of exclusions applied to the device.
Logs (computers only)
•SysInspector—Click Request log (Windows only) to run the SysInspector log request task on selected clients. After the task completes, a new entry appears in the list of ESET SysInspector logs. Click a log in the list to explore it.
•Log Collector—Click Run Log Collector to run the Log collector task. After the task is completed, a new entry is added in the list of logs. Click a log in the list to download it.
•Diagnostic logs—Click the Diagnostics > Turn on to start the Diagnostics mode on the current machine. Diagnostics mode will make the client send all logs to ESET PROTECT Server. You can browse all logs within 24 hours. Logs are sorted into five categories: Spam Log, Firewall Log, HIPS Log, Device Control Log and Web Control Log. Click Diagnostics > Resend All Logs to resend all logs from Agent in the next replication. Click Diagnostics > Turn off to stop the Diagnostics mode.
The file size limit for log delivery per device is 200 MB. You can access logs from the Web Console at Details > Logs section. If the logs gathered by the task are bigger than 200 MB, the task will fail. If the task fails, you can: •Gather the logs locally on the device. •Change the verbosity of the logs and retry the task: oFor Windows targets, use the /Targets:EraAgLogs parameter to gather only ESET Management Agent logs. oFor Linux/macOS targets, use the --no-productlogs parameter to exclude logs from the installed ESET security product. |
Task Executions
A list of executed tasks. You can filter the view to narrow down the results, view task details, edit, duplicate, delete or run on/rerun the task.
Installed Applications
Displays a list of programs installed on a client with details such as version, size, security status, etc. You can turn on third-party (non-ESET) application reporting via Agent Policy setting.
If you manage Android devices and you have applied a policy to allow the application exceptions (Application Control > Enable Application Control > Enable Blocking > Exceptions):
•on-premises MDM (ESET PROTECT)—applications in the list are highlighted and have the Allowed by exception security status.
•Cloud MDM (ESET PROTECT Cloud)—applications in the list are not highlighted and they do not have any security status.
Select an application and click Uninstall to remove it.
•You will be asked to type Uninstallation parameters. These are optional command line parameters for the installer (installation package). Uninstallation parameters are unique for each software installer. You can find more information in the documentation for the specific product.
• Select the check box next to Automatically reboot when needed to force an automatic reboot of the client computer after installation. Alternatively, you can leave this option deselected and manually restart the client computer(s). You can configure the managed computers' restart/shutdown behavior. The computers must run ESET Management Agent 9.1 and later and an ESET security product that supports this setting.
When you uninstall the ESET Management Agent from the client computer, the device is no longer managed by ESET PROTECT: •ESET security product may retain some settings after the ESET Management Agent has been uninstalled. •If the ESET Management Agent is password-protected, you must provide the password to uninstall, repair or upgrade (with changes). We recommend that you reset some settings that you do not want to keep (for example, password protection) to default settings using a policy before the device is removed from management. •All tasks running on the Agent will be abandoned. The Running, Finished or Failed execution status of this task may not be displayed accurately in ESET PROTECT Web Console depending on replication. •After the Agent is uninstalled, you can manage your security product via the integrated EGUI or eShell. |
If an update for the ESET product is available, you can update the ESET product by clicking the Update ESET Products button.
•ESET PROTECT supports the automatic upgrade of ESET Management Agents on managed computers. •iOS devices report the list of installed software to ESET PROTECT once a day. Users cannot force refresh the list. |
Shows a list of alerts and their details: Problem, Status, Product, Occurred, Severity, etc. This list can be accessed directly from Computers section by clicking the alerts count in the Alerts column. You can manage alerts via one-click actions.
Questions (computers only)
The list of cloning-related questions is on the Questions tab. Read more about resolving issues for changed or cloned computers.
Detections and Quarantine
•Detections—All detection types are displayed, but you can filter them by Detection Category - Antivirus,
Blocked files,
ESET Inspect,
HIPS, and
Web protection.
•Quarantine—A list of quarantined detections with details such as Detection name, Detection type, Object name, Size, First occurred, Count, User reason, etc.
•Basic—Information about the device: OS Name, Type, Version, Serial number, FQDN name, etc.This section also includes information on whether the device is muted, how it is managed, when it was last updated and the number of applied policies.
•Hardware—Information about the computer's hardware, manufacturer and model, CPU, RAM, storage (including the capacity and free space), peripherals and information about networking (IPv4, IPV6, subnet, network adapter...). See also hardware inventory.
•Products and Licenses—Version of the current detection engine, versions of installed ESET security products, used licenses.
•Encryption—If you use ESET Full Disk Encryption, see the disk encryption status overview.