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Notifications are generated from ESET HOME Account, Devices, and Subscriptions issues. All received notifications are displayed in the notification panel. To open the notification panel click Notifications, in the upper corner after logging in to the ESET HOME web portal. In this section, you can select to display All or Important notifications. You receive notification according to the severity of the issue – informative, important or alert. To allow notifications in the ESET HOME app, visit the App settings chapter.

Blue – for example, Device added to subscription

Orange – for example, Subscription is about to expire

Red – for example, Subscription expired

If a notification is from the Subscriptions or Devices section, you will see a notification badge (number of unread notifications with severity color) under the respective section.


Remove notification

The notification can be manually deleted on the portal or in the app only in the notification panel.

1.Log in to the ESET HOME web portal or MyESET_FavIcon_64x64-01-01 app.

2.Open the Notifications section.

3.Click X or swipe left and tap the trash icon delete_icon in the app. Notification is not displayed anymore.

As you delete notifications related to Subscriptions/Devices, the number in the notification badges will also decrease. Notification will remove itself when you resolve an issue before removing it from Notifications.


Deleting notifications and not having a badge on the home screen does not mean you have solved the issue. The issue will be presented under a specific device or subscription until you resolve it.