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How the API works

API call types

There are several types of API calls: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. The GET, POST and DELETE calls are available in ESET Connect APIs.

GET calls do not consist of any input parameters. The request call cannot be modified; only executed.

POST call is the call type used most frequently in the ESET Connect APIs.

Each call consists of:

Call type

Request URL

Request header (can consist of the authentication token)

Request body (contains data, especially with POST calls)

Server response structure

Each API call receives a response from the server. The response consists of the server response code and the response itself formatted as data in JSON or XML.

The response consists of:

Server code

Response body

Response headers

Pending response behavior

When you send the API query, the time to retrieve the response may vary—see the table below:

Response time

Response behavior and recommended user action

The response is ready within 30 seconds.

You will receive the response.

The response is not ready within 30 seconds.

You will receive the 202 Accepted response. The response will contain the response-id header, and the query will be cached.

You can retrieve the query results later by resending an identical query (only the Token can differ) with the response-id header received in the previous step. You can send the query repeatedly.

If the query is still not ready, you will receive the 202 Accepted response again.

If the query is ready, you will receive the requested data.

After you retrieve a valid response, the cache is cleared, and you will start receiving the 404 Not Found error.

The response is not ready within 120 seconds.

You will receive the 504 Timeout error, and you must repeat the query.

You do not retrieve the valid response within 10 minutes.

The cache will be cleared, and you will receive the 404 Not Found error.


See also the ESET Connect error codes.