Configure Identity Provider Connector (IdP Connector) in ESA Web Console
The configuration involves details of both Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider (SP).
- In ESAC Web Console, navigate to Components > Identity Provider Connector.
- Click Create New Identity Provider Configuration.
- In Basic settings:
- Type a desired Configuration Name. It will be used in the list of IdP Connector configurations.
- Type a desired Path Name which will be used as part of Configuration URL used in further configuration.
- In 2FA settings:
- Leave 2FA enabled selected to require second authentication factor from users who have any 2FA configured.
- To allow users not configured for any 2FA to log in through this IdP Connector configuration, leave Allow non-2FA selected.
- In Original Identity Provider:
- Configuration from the Original Identity Provider
- Use metadata—use this option if the configuration metadata of the IdP is available through secure connection (HTTPS) or as a local file. Enter that secure URL (starting with https:// or file://) to the Metadata URL field.
- Configure manually—if you use this option, you have to retrieve and enter manually the following details of the of the IdP:
- Single Sign-on Destination where the authenticated user is redirected to log in. Some identity providers refer to it as Login URL.
- Single Logout Destination where the user is redirected to log out. Some identity providers refer to it as Logout URL.
- Signature Validation Certificate—signing certificate of the IdP.
- Configuration to the Original Identity provider
This section provides all essential information and data to configure the original identity provider to work with ESA IdP Connector.
- If the identity provider can read configuration from metadata, provide it the URL displayed in Metadata URL. Otherwise, use the information from the other fields (Identifier, Sign-on response URL, Logout response URL, Logout URL), and export the Singing Certificate and Decryption Certificate if your identity provider requires it .
- Configure the identity provider to issue Name ID claim in the format <username>@<domain> (the common options are e-mail address or UPN). ESA IdP Connector will then register the user identified by <username> at the ESA Authentication Server in the <domain> realm.
- Adjust Advanced Security Settings to meet your preferences, or if your IdP requires it.
- Sign Requests to the original Identity Provider—if selected, Singing Certificate of ESA has to be configured as trusted on the machine hosting the IdP.
- Validate original Identity Provider certificate—if selected, the signing certificate of IdP must be configured trusted on the machine hosting ESA.
- Check original Identity Provider certificate revocation—if selected, ESA checks if the signing certificate of IdP is still valid.
- Click Add Service Provider, and type a desired Display Name. It will be used in the list of configured service providers within the being configured IdP Connector.
- Configuration from the Service Provider
- Use metadata—use this option if the configuration metadata of the identity provider is available through secure connection (HTTPS). Enter that secure URL (starting with https://) to the Service Provider Metadata URL field.
- Configure manually—if you use this option, you have to retrieve and enter manually the following details of the of the service provider:
- Issuer. Some SPs refer to it as Audience URL or Entity ID.
- Single Sign-on Destination where the authenticated user is redirected. Some SPs refer to it as Assertion Consumer Service URL.
- Single Logout Destination where the user is redirected after logout.
- Signature Validation Certificate—signing certificate of the SP.
- Configuration to the Service Provider:
This section provides all essential information and data to configure the original identity provider to work with ESA IdP Connector
- If the SP can read configuration from metadata, provide it the URL displayed in Metadata URL. Otherwise, use the information from the other fields (Identifier, Sign-on URL, Logout URL), and export the Singing Certificate and Decryption Certificate if your SP requires it .
- To remove, add or update collected identity information (claim) prior to forwarding it to the SP, create desired rules in the Claims Translation section. See claim translation examples below.
- Adjust Advanced Security Settings to meet your preferences, or if your SP requires it.
- Check signature of requests from the Service Provider—if selected, the certificate of the SP has to be configured in ESA.
- Validate Service Provider certificate—if selected, the certificate of SP must be configured trusted on the machine hosting ESA.
- Check Service Provider certificate revocation—if selected, ESA checks if the certificate of SP is still valid.
- Click Save.
Claim translation examples
In the examples below we assume that we logged in through an IdP and the following claims were received by ESA IdP Connector:
http://original_identity_provider/claim/nameid: http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname: SU http://original_identity_provider/claim/name: Sample User http://original_identity_provider/claim/nameid: http://original_identity_provider/claim/saml2nameid: http://original_identity_provider/claim/samle2nameidformat: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress |
Remove a certain claim
To remove "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname: SU" from the set of claims above, configure the following rule in ESA IdP Connector:
- Click Add.
- Select Remove from the list-box.
- For Type, enter "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname" without quotation marks.
- Click Save.
To create a new claim with a custom value or update an existing claim (replace its value)
To replace "SU" with "sampleuser" in "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname: SU", configure the following rule in ESA IdP Connector:
- Click Add.
- Select Add from the list-box.
- For Type, enter "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname" without quotation marks.
- For Constant value, enter "sampleuser".
- Click Save.
If "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname" did not exist in the received set of claims, it would be created with the value defined in Constant value:
"http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname: sampleuser"
To create a new claim with the value of an existing claim
To create "http://original_identity_provider/claim/profilename" claim with the value of "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname" claim, configure the following rule in ESA IdP Connector:
- Click Add.
- Select Copy from the list-box.
- For From type, enter "http://original_identity_provider/claim/displayname" without quotation marks.
- For To type, enter "http://original_identity_provider/claim/profilename" without quotation marks.
- Click Save.