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Command line scanner

As an alternative to eShell, you can run ESET Mail Security On-demand scanner via command line using ecls.exe located in the installation folder.

The following is a list of parameters and switches:



load modules from FOLDER


quarantine FOLDER


exclude files matching MASK from scanning


scan subfolders (default)


do not scan subfolders


maximum sub-level of folders within folders to scan


follow symbolic links (default)


skip symbolic links


scan ADS (default)


do not scan ADS


log output to FILE


overwrite output file (default – append)


log output to console (default)


do not log output to console


also log clean files


do not log clean files (default)


show activity indicator


scan and automatically clean all local disks

Scanner options:


scan files (default)


do not scan files


scan memory


scan boot sectors


do not scan boot sectors (default)


scan archives (default)


do not scan archives


only scan files smaller than SIZE megabytes (default 0 = unlimited)


maximum sub-level of archives within archives (nested archives) to scan


scan archives for LIMIT seconds at maximum


only scan the files in an archive if they are smaller than SIZE (default 0 = unlimited)


only scan the files in a self-extracting archive if they are smaller than SIZE megabytes (default 0 = unlimited)


scan email files (default)


do not scan email files


scan mailboxes (default)


do not scan mailboxes


scan self-extracting archives (default)


do not scan self-extracting archives


scan runtime packers (default)


do not scan runtime packers


scan for potentially unsafe applications


do not scan for potentially unsafe applications (default)


scan for potentially unwanted applications


do not scan for potentially unwanted applications (default)


scan for suspicious applications (default)


do not scan for suspicious applications


use signatures (default)


do not use signatures


enable heuristics (default)


disable heuristics


enable Advanced heuristics (default)


disable Advanced heuristics


exclude file EXTENSIONS delimited by colon from scanning


use cleaning MODE for infected objects

The following options are available:

none (default) – No automatic cleaning will occur.

standard – ecls.exe will attempt to automatically clean or delete infected files.

strict – ecls.exe will attempt to automatically clean or delete infected files without user intervention (you will not be prompted before files are deleted).

rigorous – ecls.exe will delete files without attempting to clean regardless of what the file is.

delete – ecls.exe will delete files without attempting to clean, but will refrain from deleting sensitive files such as Windows system files.


copy infected files (if cleaned) to Quarantine (supplements the action carried out while cleaning)


do not copy infected files to Quarantine

General options:


show help and quit


show version information and quit


preserve last access timestamp

Exit codes:


no threat found


threat found and cleaned


some files could not be scanned (may be threats)


threat found


error (exit codes greater than 100 mean the file was not scanned and cannot be considered clean)