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Secure Browser advanced setup

This setup is available in Advanced setup (F5) > Web and email > Secure Browser.

icon_section Basic

Enable Secure Browser – When enabled, the list of protected websites will become active, allowing you to open the Protected websites window.

Websites redirection

Enable protected websites redirection – If enabled, websites from protected websites list and internal internet banking list will be redirected to the secured browser.

Protected websites – A list of websites for which you can select which browser (normal or secure) is opened. An ESET logo will be displayed in your browser frame to signify that secure browsing is active.

Secure online banking and payment pages  – Disabled by default. In addition to the list in Protected websites, websites in the ESET's internal list will be redirected to the browser secured by ESET. The websites identified by ESET are regularly updated.

Secured browser

Enhanced memory protection – If enabled, the secure browser memory will be protected from inspecting by other processes.

Keyboard protection – If enabled, information entered via keyboard into a secure browser will be hidden from other applications. This increases protection against keyloggers.

Browser's green frame – If disabled, the green frame around the browser's window and the related in-browser notification will be displayed briefly during the browser startup and then disappear. The green frame indicates that your browser is fully protected.

Configure Secure Browser interactive alerts – Allows you to open the Interactive alerts window.


In some situations, a particular interactive alert shows only when there is an error in starting Secure Browser properly. For more information, see the Interactive alerts chapter.