Name | JsonSchemaType | Description |
cellIndex | integer | Column, where the cell is placed. |
chartTypeOverride | enum of Era.Common.DataDefinition.Reports.Report_Rendering_ChartType | If set, this chart type is used instead of the one specified by report template rendering. |
colSpan | integer | Vertical size of the cell. |
reportTemplateUuid | reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid | UUID of report template inserted in the cell. From this report template, the report for this dashboard cell is generated. |
rowIndex | integer | Row, where the cell is placed. |
rowSpan | integer | Horizontal size of the cell. |
states | integer | Bitmask, containing additional information about the cell. Values are: VIEW_TABLE = 0x01 - If set, table is displayed, otherwise chart is displayed. Only works for reports with both, chart and table. DISPLAY_FULLSCREEN = 0x10 - If set, the cell is expanded to full screen. At most one cell should have this bit enabled at a time. |
staticObjectData | reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Dashboard.DashboardReportContainer#/definitions/DashboardReportContainer/definitions/StaticObjectData.staticObjectData | Name/description of the dashboard cell. Usually copied from the report template. |
uuid | reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid | UUID of the cell. |
{ "title": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Dashboard.DashboardReportContainer", "type": "object", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Dashboard.DashboardReportContainer" ], "properties": { "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Dashboard.DashboardReportContainer": { "$ref": "#/definitions/DashboardReportContainer" } }, "definitions": { "DashboardReportContainer": { "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "cellIndex", "colSpan", "rowIndex", "rowSpan", "staticObjectData", "uuid" ], "type": "object", "definitions": { "StaticObjectData.staticObjectData": { "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "description", "name" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "description": { "maxLength": 1024, "pattern": "\\s*.{1,}\\s*", "type": "string" }, "name": { "maxLength": 1024, "minLength": 1, "type": "string" } } } }, "properties": { "cellIndex": { "exclusiveMaximum": false, "exclusiveMinimum": false, "maximum": 2147483647, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "chartTypeOverride": { "enum": [ 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 150, 151, 152, 200, 201, 202, 250, 251, 252, 253, 300, 301, 302, 350, 351, 352, 400, 401, 450, 500 ] }, "colSpan": { "exclusiveMaximum": false, "exclusiveMinimum": false, "maximum": 2147483647, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "reportTemplateUuid": { "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid" }, "rowIndex": { "exclusiveMaximum": false, "exclusiveMinimum": false, "maximum": 2147483647, "minimum": 0, "type": "integer" }, "rowSpan": { "exclusiveMaximum": false, "exclusiveMinimum": false, "maximum": 2147483647, "minimum": 1, "type": "integer" }, "states": { "type": "integer" }, "staticObjectData": { "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Dashboard.DashboardReportContainer#/definitions/DashboardReportContainer/definitions/StaticObjectData.staticObjectData" }, "uuid": { "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid" } } } } }