

Mail erver authentication type

Enum values

Possible values Names Descriptions
1 AUTH_NONE No authentication (used internally)
2 AUTH_ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS SASL authentication type. In this case "userName" is used as trace for SMTP server
3 AUTH_EXTERNAL EXTERNAL SASL authentication type. In this case "userName" is used as identification token.
4 AUTH_PLAIN Authenticate using PLAIN SASL method. Password is sent to server in plain format.
5 AUTH_LOGIN Interactive plain authentication (SASL LOGIN)
6 AUTH_CRAM_MD5 CRAM-MD5 SASL authentication type
7 AUTH_CRAM_SHA1 CRAM-SHA1 SASL authentication type
9 AUTH_SCRAM_SHA1 SCRAM-SHA1 SASL authentication type
10 AUTH_NTLM NTLM authentication type
15 AUTH_AUTO Automatic authentication type. Method will be chosen automatically according to server capabilities (in strongest first order) .

Referenced in messages
