

Filter operators.

Enum values

Possible values Names Descriptions
0 OP_EQUAL "Equal" operator.
1 OP_NOT_EQUAL "Not equal" operator.
2 OP_GREATER "Greater than" operator.
3 OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL "Greater than or equal" operator.
4 OP_LESS "Less than" operator.
5 OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL "Less than or equal" operator.
6 OP_HAS_SUBSTRING "Has substring" operator. True if the operand is a substring of the symbol value.
7 OP_HAS_PREFIX "Has prefix" operator. True if the symbol value starts with the value of the operand. E.g. "xyz" has prefix "xy".
8 OP_HAS_POSTFIX "Has postfix" operator. True if the symbol value ends with the value of the operand. E.g. "xyz" has postfix "yz".
9 OP_HAS_MASK "Has mask" operator. Allows the use of wildcards for string comparison. E.g. "*z" matches "xyz"
10 OP_REGEX "Regex" operator. True if the symbol matches the regex in the operand. Perl regex syntax is used.
11 OP_IN_EXACT "In" operator. The operand is a list of values. True if the symbol value equals to at least one of the operand values. E.g. "xyz" in ("abc", "def", "xyz").
12 OP_IN_STRING_MASK "In (mask)" operator. The operand is a list of values which allow wildcards. True if the symbol value matches at least one of the operand values. E.g. "xyz" in ("a*", "*f", "*z").
14 OP_IN_MASK "Matches bit mask" operator. True if binary AND operation between the symbol value and the operator equals the operator. E.g. 0b01010011 matches 0b00000001.
15 OP_IS_NULL "Equals null" operator. True if the symbol has no value. Second operand is ignored.
16 OP_IS_NOT_NULL "Not equals null" operator. True if the symbol has a value. Second operand is ignored.

Referenced in messages
