ESET Online Help

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New features

New configuration options for customers using ESET MDR

We've expanded the "Set up protection" configuration wizard with a new set of convenient settings for customers using the ESET MDR service. These settings enable you to easily select recipients for notifications and weekly and monthly reports, as well as configure the locale and time zone required for the reports. To access these settings, go to the Quick Links menu and select "Set up protection." Learn more

Logs about performed vulnerability scans and applied patches

To improve visibility into what was patched and when, along with details on when vulnerability scans were performed and their results, we are introducing new, detailed reports. You can find these in the "Reports - ESET Vulnerability & Patch Management" section. Learn more

Improvements to webhook notifications

We've introduced new variables to the webhook notification settings. These variables enable you to further customize notifications to better fit your needs. Learn more

APIs and integrations

To improve interoperability of ESET PROTECT, we have added new API calls for Mobile Device Management, Web Access Protection and Incident Management. Our aim is to continuously enhance the scope of our interoperability interfaces. Therefore, please feel free to share your requirements and feedback with us. Learn more

Other improvements and bug fixes

Find out what else has been improved in the changelog.