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Individual enrollment as a Device Owner

When enrolling an Android mobile device using an enrollment QR code, you will need physical access to the device. Also, this enrollment is possible only on a device that is after a wipe/factory reset or is fresh out-of-the-box.


It is not possible to use Enrollment via email for mass enrollment of Android devices as a Device Owner.

1.To add a new mobile device, go to the Computers section or More > Groups. Select the Static Group that you want to add mobile device to and click Add new > Mobile devices > Individual enrollment as a Device Owner (only Android 7 and above).


2.Device name - type the Name of the mobile device (this name will be shown in the list of Computers).

3.User (optional) -  we recommend you to assign a user with mobile device, it is required for iOS devices, but optional for Android.

4.Mobile Device Connector - will automatically be selected. If you have more than one MDC, choose from the list by clicking the FQDN. If you do not have Mobile Device Connector installed yet, refer to the Mobile Device Connector installation - Windows or Linux chapters for installation instructions.

5.License (optional) - click Select and choose a license that will be used for activation. A Product Activation Client Task will be created for the mobile device. A license unit will be taken (one per each mobile device).

6.Parent group - if you do not have a specific Static group for mobile devices, we recommend that you create a New Static Group (named "Mobile Devices" for example). If you already have an existing group, click the /All, a pop-up window will open where you can choose the Static group.

7.Select the check box I accept the terms of the application End User License Agreement and acknowledge the Privacy Policy. See End User License Agreement (EULA), Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for ESET products for more information.

8.After you click Next, the enrollment QR code will be displayed.


9.Follow these steps on the Android device to perform the enrollment process.

10. To add another mobile device, click Enroll Another. A new Add mobile device page will open that will include all the previous selections in the General section, and you will only need to enter Device name and assign a User, click Next and follow instructions in step 7. Once you have completed generating enrollment QR codes, click Close to return to the previous window.