Manage Detections
Click a detection name to display the Detection preview side panel on the right side.
To manage detections, click the item and select one of the available actions, or select the check box next to one or more items and use the buttons in the lower part of the Detections screen:
•Scan - Run the On-Demand Scan Task on the device that reported the selected detection.
• Details - See Detection Details.
•Computer - A list of actions you can perform on the computer where the detection was found. This list is the same as the one in the Computers section.
• Audit Log - View the Audit Log for the selected item.
• Mark As Resolved /
Mark As Unresolved - You can mark detections as resolved/not resolved here or in computer details.
• Scan Path (available only for
Antivirus detections - files with known paths) - Create the On-Demand Scan Task with pre-defined paths and targets.
• Create Exclusion (available only for
Antivirus detections and
Firewall IDS rules) - Create detection exclusions.
• Investigate (Inspect) allows you to open the item details directly in the ESET Inspect Web Console. The Inspect
icon in the upper right opens the ESET Inspect Web Console Detections section. ESET Inspect is only available when you have ESET Inspect license and ESET Inspect connected to ESET PROTECT. A Web Console user needs Read permission or above for Access to ESET Inspect or Read permission or above for ESET Inspect User.
• Send File to ESET LiveGuard is available only for
Blocked files. You can send a file for the malware analysis (ESET LiveGuard Advanced) from ESET PROTECT Web Console. You can see the file analysis details in Submitted Files. You can manually submit executable files for analysis to ESET LiveGuard Advanced from the ESET endpoint product (you need to have the ESET LiveGuard Advanced license).