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The API offers another way to access the ESET Threat Intelligence (ETI) portal.

1.Swagger UI for ESET Threat Intelligence API is available at:


What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source software framework that helps developers design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services. You can interact with the API using the Swagger UI. The Swagger UI allows direct connections to live APIs through a web page. You can create requests on the web page and explore API calls on live data.

Swagger UI provides complete pre-fabricated API calls. You only need to change the parameter values in the calls. All Swagger (also all API) calls are executed on your real account with your real data. Do not use it as a playground.

To use ESET Threat Intelligence API, you must create the API token:

2.Click your profile in the upper bar.

3.Click Access tokens and credentials > Generate API token.

Generating API token in the user's profile

4.In the following window, the API Token and the Authorization header value will be displayed.

API token and Authorization header value displayed after the API token creation


Ensure to save your API token. This window is the only place where you can access the API token.


The Authorization header value represents the API token; you can use this value in an HTTP request. The authorization header type for API is Bearer.

5.Now you can use the ESET Threat Intelligence API.


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