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How to add URL mask

Please refer to the instructions in this dialog before you add the desired address/domain mask.

ESET Small Business Security enables user to block access to specified websites and prevent the internet browser from displaying their content. Furthermore, it enables user to specify addresses, which should be excluded from checking.

If the complete name of the remote server is unknown, or the user wishes to specify a whole group of remote servers, so called masks can be used to identify such a group. The masks include the symbols “?” and “*”:

use ? to substitute a symbol

use * to substitute a text string.

For example *.c?m applies to all addresses, where the last part begins with the letter c, ends with the letter m and contains an unknown symbol in between them (.com, .cam, etc.)

A leading "*." sequence is treated specially if used at the beginning of domain name. First, the * wildcard does not match the slash character ('/') in this case. This is to avoid circumventing the mask, for example the mask * will not match (such suffix can be appended to any URL without affecting the download). And second, the "*." also matches an empty string in this special case. This is to allow matching whole domain including any subdomains using a single mask.

For example the mask * also matches Using * would be incorrect, as that would also match