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Cloud SDK/API Client

The code is generated from the API.

For the initiation follow API configuration.

API Client


C# API Client is distributed as a NuGet package. Guide where it is hosted and how to use it (along with examples) can be found on our ESET GitHub repository.

Build and run the examples.

Other Languages

To generate API Clients for other languages, use openapi-generator.



java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -g typescript-fetch -i --skip-validate-spec -o ./esa-api --additional-properties=npmName=ESA.API,npmVersion=4.0.48,modelPropertyNaming=original,paramNaming=original,typescriptThreePlus=true --global-property apiTests=false,modelTests=false

This was tried for typescript-fetch and cpp-restsdk without problems.

Each language has a different set of additional properties — see Generators List (

For some languages, e.g. C++, more generators are depending on which HTTP client library is used — pick one best serving your needs.

Feel free to use any other generator that suits you.