Network authentication searches for a specific server in the network and uses asymmetric encryption (RSA) to authenticate that server. The network's name being authenticated must match the name set in the authentication server settings. The name is case-sensitive. The server name can be typed as an IP address, DNS or NetBios name.
Download the ESET Authentication Server.
The public key can be imported using any of the following file types:
•PEM encrypted public key (.pem); you can generate this key using the ESET Authentication Server
•Encrypted public key
•Public key certificate (.crt)
Click Test to test your settings. If the authentication is successful, Server authentication was successful is displayed. If the authentication is not configured properly, one of the following error messages will display:
Server authentication failed. Invalid or mismatched signature.
Server signature does not match the public key entered.
Server authentication failed. Network name doesn't match.
The configured network name does not correspond with the authentication server network name. Review both names and ensure they are identical.
Server authentication failed. Invalid or no response from server.
No response is received if the server is not running or is inaccessible. An invalid response may be received if another HTTP server is running on the specified address.
Invalid public key entered.
Verify that the public key file you have entered is not corrupted.