API is based on JSON format.
HTTP request:
PUT api/v1/authenticate |
POST api/v1/authenticate |
Both commands works same way.
URL query: none
Request body: JSON object with username, password and domain fields
Response Header: X-Security-Token
Example import json import requests import warnings
EEI_USER = "Administrator" # Use your credentials here EEI_PASSWORD = "admin123" EEI_SERVER = 'localhost'
response = requests.put(f"https://{EEI_SERVER}/api/v1/authenticate", json.dumps({"username": EEI_USER, "password": EEI_PASSWORD, "domain":False}), verify=False) if response.status_code == 200: session = requests.Session() session.headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {response.headers['X-Security-Token']}"} session.verify=False
UNRESOLVED_FILTER = "resolved eq 0" response = session.get(f"https://{EEI_SERVER}/api/v1/detections", params={"$count": 1, "$filter": UNRESOLVED_FILTER}) count = response.json()["count"]
PAGE_SIZE = 100 for i in range(0, count, PAGE_SIZE): response = session.get(f"https://{EEI_SERVER}/api/v1/detections", params ={"$skip": i, "$top": PAGE_SIZE, "$filter": UNRESOLVED_FILTER}) detections = response.json()["value"] for d in detections: print(d) |