ESET Online Help

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Click the gear gear_icon icon to manage table options. Click Select columns and choose from available columns. Alternatively, Enter quick search pattern to search for the column by typing its name or a partial string.


Display Absolute/Relative Time—Absolute time will show the time in format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. Relative time will show the time in the format minutes/hours/months concerning present time (like 15 minutes ago or 6 days ago).

The export table as CSV icon download_default can export the table grid to CSV format and use it in other applications to work with the list.

Click Reset columns to revert default columns selection.

The order of the columns can be organized by clicking the name of the column:

Default (No icon)

Ascending column_ascending

Descending column_descending

You can shuffle columns around. Hover the mouse over the icon_move_drag icon next to the column name and drag-and-drop to the desired position.

Adjust the column width by the column_resize icon.