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ESET PROTECT Windows/macOS/Linux Deployment


Ensure you have met the System Requirements needed to install the ESET Inspect Connector successfully.

To install ESET Inspect Connector for ESET Inspect Cloud, you need first deploy the ESET Management Agent and install ESET Endpoint Product. For the ESET Inspect Connector installation for ESET Inspect on-premises version, you need first deploy the ESET Management Agent and install ESET Endpoint Product.

Otherwise, the ESET Inspect Connector will display information that ESET Endpoint Product is required, and your installation will fail if they are not installed.

ESET PROTECT Windows/macOS/Linux deployment

1.Log in to the ESET PROTECT with proper rights (ESET PROTECT Admin rights or ask ESET PROTECT Admin to create and deploy connectors for you if you do not have sufficient privileges).

2.Click COMPUTERS in the left side menu.

3.You can deploy the connector in two ways:

On one computer.

On a group of computers.

4.Click the desired computer and choose New Task.

5.Fill in the desired Name and Description.

6.In Task Category, you can keep All Tasks.

7.In Task, select Software Install.

8.Click Settings in the left menu or the Continue button at the bottom of the window.

9.Choose a proper license. You need to activate ESET Inspect Connector with an "ESET PROTECT Enterprise" license. To learn how to manage the license for ESET Inspect, follow.

10.Choose whether you want to install ESET Inspect Connector from the repository or specify the URL path to the installer (32-bits or 64-bits, depending on the operating system).

11.In case of Linux or macOS, skip to step 12. Fill in the Installation parameters field. You can use the same parameters as in Installation from a command line, or you can leave it blank (it will install without Certificate Authority, and ESET Inspect Server address will be "localhost". You can change this by creating a Policy with ESET Inspect Server address and Certificate Authority. To learn how to create a policy in the ESET PROTECT, follow or ask ESET PROTECT Administrator to create a policy for you). Click Finish.

12.For Linux and macOS (if you left parameters blank for the Windows part, then for it as well), it is necessary to create a Policy to make ESET Inspect Connector communicate with ESET Inspect Server (this is not necessary for ESET Inspect Cloud):

a.In the Settings window, select the product "ESET Inspect Connector"

b.Fill in the Server Address with the ESET Inspect Server IP address.

c.Edit the Certificate Authority by clicking Edit > Add > Open Certificate Authority. Choose the certificate that was used during ESET Inspect Server installation. Click Save.

d.Click Continue.

e.Select the Assign button and select the computer/computers you want the policy to be applied on in the Assign window. Click Finish.

13.If the task is already created, you can rerun it on another computer or group of computers. See Client Tasks executions.


The easiest way to install the connector (Windows only) through a deployment is to use these parameters:



ESET PROTECT macOS Deployment

From version macOS 10.14 onwards, you will receive the notification, "Your computer is partially protected from ESET Endpoint Security for macOS. To access all ESET Endpoint Security for macOS functions, you need to allow Full disk access to ESET Endpoint Security for macOS".

For a fully functional ESET Inspect Connector, grant full disk access:

1.Open Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy.

2.Unlock settings in the lower-left corner.

3.Scroll the left side menu and click full disk access.

4.In the right side menu mark the ESET Endpoint Security/ESET Endpoint Antivirus, ESET Management Agent, ESET Inspect Connector and also ESET Real-time system protection.

5.Lock your settings.

Using MDM

To allow Full disk access remotely:

1.Download the .plist configuration file.

2.Deploy the .plist configuration profile file using the MDM server.

Your computer needs to be enrolled in the MDM server to deploy configuration profiles to those computers.


You need to activate ESET Inspect Connector with an "ESET Inspect" license. To do this, contact your ESET PROTECT Administrator or create a Product Activation task.


The ESET Inspect Connector will be visible in ESET Inspect Web Console immediately after activation and correct policy setting. In a few minutes, you should be able to view the first events sent by connectors. ESET Inspect Connector is writing error logs into the folder:

Windows C:\ProgramData\ESET\Inspect Connector\logs

macOS /Library/Application Support/ESET/eset_eia/logs

Linux /var/log/eset/eei/

If you experience any other issues, follow the instructions on gathering debug data as detailed in Troubleshooting the installation topic.