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Add/Remove keyboard layouts via command line

Keyboard maps are used for the user to type their password at the pre-boot authentication and when they change their password within ESET Full Disk Encryption Graphical User Interface. Not all keyboard maps are identical, so you need to distinguish between them. Command line parameters allow users to add, remove and list keyboard maps installed on the system. This is useful if the user decides to add a keyboard map to Windows after encryption has started. If users do not add the keyboard map, they may be unable to change their FDE password within Windows, and they will have unexpected keys in the pre-boot authentication screen if their physical keyboard has changed.



ESET Full Disk Encryption 1.3.0.x version

ESET Full Disk Encryption installation must be activated

The system must be connected to ESET PROTECT On-Prem console via the ESET Management Agent

The system must be encrypting or encrypted

1.Open an elevated command prompt.

2.Navigate to C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Full Disk Encryption, then run the command efdeais /command= with one of the commands - add_keyboard , remove_keyboard , or list_keyboards. Alternatively, you can use one command for both the location and the command: C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Full Disk Encryption efdeais /command=add_keyboard.

When you use the add_keyboard command, you must specify the keyboard map you want to add via keyboard KLID after the command. For example, efdeais /command=add_keyboard.00000809. This will add the UK keyboard layout to the system.

When you use the remove_keyboard command, you must specify the keyboard map you want to remove via keyboard KLID after the command. For example, efdeais /command=remove_keyboard.00000809. This will remove UK keyboard from the system.

When you use the list_keyboard command, you do not need to specify any additional parameters. For example, efdeais /command=list_keyboards. This will return a plain text view of the current keyboard maps installed in the system. Alternatively, you can add .json to the end of the command to show the keyboard map in a JSON format.