Firewall rule - Local

Specify the name of the local application and the local port/ports that a rule applies to.

Port – Local port number(s). If there are no numbers supplied, the rule will apply for all ports. Add a single communication port or a range of communication ports.

IP – Allows you to add a remote address/addresses, address range, or subnet on which the rule is applied. If there is no value supplied, the rule will apply for all communication.

Zones – List of added zones.

Add – Add a created zone from the drop-down menu. To create a zone, use the Zone setup tab.

Delete – Removes zones from the list.

Application – The name of the application to which the rule applies. Add the location of the application for which the rule will apply.

Service – The drop-down menu shows system services.


You might want to create a rule for your Mirror which provides updates via port 2221 using the EHttpSrv service for communication in the drop-down menu.