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Logging configuration

The Logging configuration of ESET Endpoint Antivirus is accessible from the main program window. Click Setup > Advanced Setup > Tools > Log files. The logs section is used to define how the logs will be managed. The program automatically deletes older logs to save hard disk space. You can specify the following options for log files:

Minimum logging verbosity—Specifies the minimum verbosity level of events to be logged:

  • Diagnostic—Logs information needed to fine-tune the program and all records above.
  • Informative—Records informative messages, including successful update messages, plus all records above.
  • Warnings—Records critical errors and warning messages.
  • Errors—Errors such as "Error downloading file" and critical errors will be recorded.
  • Critical—Logs only critical errors (error starting antivirus protection, etc.).


All blocked connections will be recorded when you select the Diagnostic verbosity level.

Log entries older than the specified number of days in the Automatically delete records older than (days) field will automatically be deleted.

Optimize log files automatically—When engaged, log files will automatically be defragmented if fragmentation percentage is higher than value specified in the If the number of unused records exceeds (%) field.

Click Optimize to begin defragmenting the log files. All empty log entries are removed to improve performance and log processing speed. This improvement can be observed specifically when the logs contain a large number of entries.

Enable text protocol enables the storage of logs in another file format separate from Log files:

  • Target directory—Select the directory where log files will be stored (only applies to Text/CSV). You can copy the path or select another directory by clicking Clear. Each log section has its own file with a pre-defined file name (for example, virlog.txt for the Detected threats section of log files, if you use a plain text file format to store logs).
  • Type—If you select the Text file format, logs will be stored in a text file and data will be separated into tabs. The same applies to the comma-separated CSV file format. If you choose Event, logs will be stored in the Windows Event log (can be viewed using Event Viewer in Control panel) as opposed to the file.
  • Delete all logs files—Erases all stored logs currently selected in the Type drop-down menu. A notification about successful deletion of the logs will be shown.

Enable tracking of configuration changes in Audit log—Informs you about each configuration change. See Audit logs for more information.


To help resolve issues more quickly, ESET may ask you to provide logs from your computer. ESET Log Collector makes it easy for you to collect the information needed. For more information about ESET Log Collector see our ESET Knowledgebase article.