Stop using and uninstall ESET Bridge
Follow the steps below to stop using ESET Bridge before uninstalling it:
1.If you use ESET Bridge to cache updates for ESET security products, remove the respective ESET security product settings using an ESET PROTECT Policy for the ESET security product targeting all managed computers running ESET Bridge.
•If you have more ESET security products in your network (for example, ESET endpoint and ESET server products), create a separate Policy for each product.
2.If you use ESET Bridge as a Proxy for ESET Management Agents, remove the ESET Management Agent settings using an ESET PROTECT Policy for ESET Management Agents targeting all managed computers.
3.Optional—If you do not plan to use ESET Bridge anymore, uninstall it:
•Remotely (recommended)—Click Computers > click the computer running ESET Bridge > select Details > click Installed Applications > click ESET Bridge > Uninstall > If ESET Bridge is running on Ubuntu, type --purge in Uninstallation parameters (otherwise, leave the field blank) > click Uninstall.
•Locally—On Windows, uninstall ESET Bridge from the installed programs list. On Linux, run the terminal command:
oUbuntu: sudo apt autoremove --purge eset-bridge
oRed Hat, CentOS: sudo yum remove eset-bridge
Type Y to confirm the ESET Bridge uninstallation on Linux.