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Changelogs for ESET products

This page displays changelog information and release notes for recent ESET product releases (listed by the most recent version to earlier versions and are only available in English). Click the product name to display the changelog. Each product shows up to the last ten changelogs. Release cycle exceptions may apply to specific regions/countries.

Recent changelogs for ESET Log Collector

  • New: ESET VPN logs added to collected targets
  • New: ESET Cluster diagnostic logs added to collected targets
  • New: ESET Update snapshot info added to collected targets
  • New: Windows Logs (PowerShell, Terminal Services - Remote Connection Manager) added to collected targets
  • New: Microsoft Defender status added to collected targets
  • New: .NET Framework versions added to collected targets
  • New: Group Policy settings added to collected targets
  • New: Possibility to collect logs bigger than 4GB added
  • Changed: ESET Inspect logs collected by default
  • Changed: ESET Banking & Payment protection renamed to ESET Safe Banking & Browsing
  • Changed: Category info was added to artifacts in command-line help
  • Changed: On-Prem suffix added to appertaining ESET products
  • Changed: Kerio targets removed
  • Fixed: ESET product features name list updated
  • Fixed: New ESET SysInspector is downloaded if missing
  • Fixed: Correct 32bit ESET Log Collector process detection on ARM
  • Fixed: Suspicious files are stored in final archive
  • New: ESET Bridge logs added to collected targets
  • New: ESET Vulnerability & Patch management debug logs added to collected targets
  • New: ESET License data added to collected targets
  • New: ESET Secure Authentication Synchronization Agent logs added to collected targets
  • New: ESET Direct Endpoint Management plug-in logs added to collected targets
  • New: Windows Updates extended info added to collected targets
  • New: Windows prefetch files added to collected targets
  • New: Windows Security event log added to collected targets
  • New: Shim databases added to collected targets
  • New: Suspicious files added to collected targets
  • New: PowerShell history added to collected targets
  • New: Collect installed certificates (only in cmd mode)
  • New: Archive password protection added
  • New: More precise error reporting added
  • New: Some errors reclassified to warnings to continue collecting
  • New: Preserve ESET Log Collector log if error occur
  • Changed: ESET Full Disk Encryption logs added to default profile
  • Changed: ESET Secure Authentication logs extended
  • Changed: EP/ESMC/ERA shortcuts renamed to ESET PROTECT
  • Changed: EI Agent renamed to EI Connector
  • Changed: ScanCache target renamed to LocalCache
  • Changed: Collection default mode changed to "original binary from disk"
  • Fixed: Support for new ESET Quarantine format
  • Fixed: Resizing window doesn't move the window
  • Fixed: Reading console application output and writing in console mode
  • Fixed: SysInspector collection failed
  • Fixed: Support for downloaded localized SysInspector application
  • New: ESET Banking & Payment protection logs added to logs collection
  • New: EPNS diagnostic logs added to diagnostic collection
  • New: NAF quarantine diagnostic files added to quarantine collection
  • Changed: Renamed EI Connector (EI Agent) configuration files added to EI collection
  • New: ESET Sysinspector log support added.
  • Bug-fixes and optimizations
  • Fixed: Broken ZIP packer – Files containing a certain type of data might have been packed in a damaged state
  • Changed: Device enumeration: The new file deviceTree.json replaces two old files: setupClasses.txt and interfaceClasses.txt
  • Added: Support for application statuses generated by new products.
  • Fixed: Log Collector freezes on SBS2008 without ESET product (or SysInspector).
  • Fixed: Wrong SysInspector version is downloaded on 64-bit OS.
  • Fixed: System & App Windows events logs in XML format are identical.
  • Added: Possibility to close Log Collector during a collecting process
  • Added: Default smaller quarantined files' collection
  • Added: Information message after end of collecting process via cmd
  • Added: Data collection from C:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Security folder
  • Added: Collection of versions.csv with information about previously installed ESET products
  • Added: Collection of Proxy and Tomcat logs from ESMC installations
  • Added: Collection of logs for FDE
  • Added: EVTX system and application logs
  • Added: Export product settings with diagnostic reason
  • Added: Command-line help for "lang" argument
  • Added: Additional information about "WARNING: Failed to execute PowerShell command"
  • Fixed: Log records rewrite logged targets
  • Fixed: Missing "operation log"
  • Fixed: Operation log is not collected
  • Fixed: The archive file extension is corrupted after using the name with the maximum number of characters
  • Other bug-fixes and localization improvements
  • Added: Option to export merged configuration to ELC
  • Added: Collecting diagnostic logs for OneDrive scan
  • Added: Export of current devices to ELC
  • Added: List of mounted volumes
  • Added: Option to collect ERA/ESMC Agent database, information about installed/not-installed MSI features, Application and System event logs in the native evtx format, WMI repository, WMI-activity event logs
  • Added: Support for Audit Logs
  • Added: Support for Enterprise Inspector
  • Added: Command-line option to set UI language
  • Added: Compatibility with latest products
  • Fixed: Various bug fixes and localization improvements
Version 3.2.0.X
  • Added: New logs for v7 products
  • Changed: “ESET greylisting log” renamed “ESET SMTP protection log” for EMSX v7
  • Fixed: OneDrive scan log is not collected
  • Fixed: Network protection log is not collected
  • Fixed: Various functional and localization bugs

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