ESET 产品的变更日志
此页面显示最新 ESET 产品版本的更改日志和发行说明,从最新到最早列出(仅提供英文版)。单击产品名称以查看其更改日志。每个产品都包含最近 20 个更改日志。发行周期可能因地区或国家而异。
ESET SysInspector 最近的变更日志
- Improved: New user interface
- Added: Tree view of running processes, network connections and important registry entries
- Added: History of recent logs
- Added: Preserving user layout preferences
- Added: Command line for running processes
- Added: Dark mode
- Added: File association for log files
- Updated: Modules with the latest improvements
- Removed: Service Script functionality
- Removed: Compare Logs functionality
- Added: Dumping of WMI scripts
- Fixed: Various localization, documentation and functional bugs
- Changed: Updated End User License Agreement
- Improved: Copying to clipboard
- Fixed: Various localization and functional bugs
- Changed: Updated End User License Agreement
- Fixed: Various localization bugs
- Added: Online Help
- Added: Localization improvements
- Changed: SysInspector module 1269 (systemstatus) included in build
- Fixed: New installer certificate (SHA256) for Windows 10 support
- Fixed: Minor bugs and improvements
Version 1.2.054
- Changed: New SysInspector & Anti-Stealth module
- Fixed: Other minor bugfixes & improvements
Version 1.2.049
- Changed: New SysInspector & Anti-Stealth module
- Fixed: Other minor bugfixes & improvements
Version 1.2.042
- Changed: New SysInspector & Anti-Stealth module
- Fixed: Other minor bugfixes & improvements
Version 1.2.034
- Added: Support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
- Added: ESET LiveGrid support (ESET Cloud)
- Changed: New registry locations being scanned and reported
- Changed: New graphical theme and visual improvements
- Changed: History handling/display improvement
- Fixed: Stability improvements
- Fixed: Better evaluation logic (self-signed certificates)
- Fixed: New AntiStealth module and driver interoperability
- Fixed: Proper log file access protection during view