ESET 产品的变更日志
此页面显示最新 ESET 产品版本的更改日志和发行说明,从最新到最早列出(仅提供英文版)。单击产品名称以查看其更改日志。每个产品都包含最近 20 个更改日志。发行周期可能因地区或国家而异。
ESET Mail Security for IBM Domino 最近的变更日志
Version 10.0.14007.1
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 10.0.14006.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
Version 10.0.14004.0
- New: Rules: condition for antispam result category
- New: Rules: macro placeholders for existing antispam whitelists
- New: Scheduled on-demand scan with login credentials
- New: Dark mode added
- New: ESET Bridge support
- New: New product installer with minimal modules
- Improved: GUI redesign
- Improved: New concept of communication of pending product updates, and end user license agreement
- Improved: Optimization and performance improvements of email client protection module
- Improved: SysInspector GUI redesign
- Improved: Device control improvement
- Fixed: Attachment name rule incorrectly blocking .msg attachments
- Removed: ESET Shared local cache removed due to the EOL status
- Removed: Compatibility with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
- Removed: Repair and modify options removed from product installer
Version 9.0.14008.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 9.0.14007.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
Version 9.0.14006.0
- Fixed: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 9.0.14005.0
- Improved: Database scan remaining time indicates real-time as it is for computer scan
- Improved: DA time limit option was added to scheduled On-demand scans to have the possibility to stop the scan after a defined period of time automatically
- Improved: DPossibility to automatically load internet domains from the Global Domain document
- Improved: DSPF: possibility to verify MAIL FROM domain first before HELO domain
- Improved: DWhen the database scan is running, the tray icon has the status "Database scan is running"
- Added: Issue switcher to the ekrn plugin to display statuses was added
- Added: Application status for paused AntiPhishing protection was added
- Added: An automated screenshot of the EMSL product was added
- Fixed: "Mail server antispam protection disabled" was replaced by the new wording "Mail server antispam protection paused" is now fully functional
- Fixed: The server scan task started successfully with the Domino database containing a larger amount of mailboxes
- Fixed: AV alarm in ESET INSPECT console (agent log error) works now properly
- Fixed: "Rules applied" count updated in real-time while running Database Scan
- Fixed: Database scan is now possible to be stopped by the user
- Fixed: GUI freezing issues fixed when user clicks on Database scan
- Fixed: GUI issue with checkbox 'Scan excluded databases' is now marked according to the user preferences
- Fixed: Advanced setup is now fixed when the uPCU update type is changed
- Fixed: Status messages about cleaning settings are now shown properly
- Fixed: Quarantine - threat name in attachment envelope is now shown correctly
Version 8.0.14014.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 8.0.14013.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
Version 8.0.14012.0
- Fixed: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 8.0.14011.0
- Fixed: Vulnerability CVE-2022-27167
Version 8.0.14010.0
- Fixed: Correct regeneration time period for automatic exclusions
- Fixed: eShell: clear scan command error fixed
- Fixed: AMSI is working correctly
- Fixed: Corrected behaviour for edevmon driver outside of ESET product
Version 8.0.14009.0
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2021-37852 [CVSS 7.8] - reported externally
Version 8.0.14004.0
- Added: MicroPCU technology with central EULA updates handling.
- Added: Audit logs
- Added: Mail server protection log: better visibility for NOT_SCANNED emails
- Added: Log: Anti-phishing detection should have higher priority over antispam detection
- Added: Mail server protection log: log separately Envelope sender (MAIL FROM) and From header
- Improved> Added DAOS directory to automatic exclusions
Version 7.3.14001.0
- Added: Internal technology improvements
- Added: Compatibility with future Windows Server operating systems
- Added: eShell option to pause computer and hyper-v scan for user defined period
- Fixed: Various eShell fixes and improvements
- Fixed: When the main product view shows "functional" and under Setup/Computer RTP shows "non-functional" (under specific conditions)
- Fixed: Various localization and functional bugs
Version 7.3.14006.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 7.3.14005.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
Version 7.3.14004.0
- Fixed: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 7.3.14003.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2021-37852 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 7.3.14001.0
- Added: Internal technology improvements
- Added: Compatibility with future Windows Server operating systems
- Added: eShell option to pause computer and hyper-v scan for user defined period
- Fixed: Various eShell fixes and improvements
- Fixed: When the main product view shows "functional" and under Setup/Computer RTP shows "non-functional" (under specific conditions)
- Fixed: Various localization and functional bugs