

Answer options for cloning tickets.

Enum values

Possible values Names Descriptions
0 SET_MASTER_WITH_HW_COLLISION_CREATE_NEW Yes, cloning has been performed, set source computer as Master with HardwareCollisionHandling NEW_COMPUTER.
1 SET_MASTER_WITH_HW_COLLISION_RECOVER Yes, cloning has been performed, set source computer as Master with HardwareCollisionHandling RECOVER_COMPUTER.
2 CLONING_PERFORMED_CREATE_COMPUTER Yes, cloning has been performed, create new computer this time only.
3 NO_CLONING_SET_HW_UNRELIABLE No cloning has been performed. This is an incorrect detection, so mark the related HW as unreliable (and do not ask in the future).
4 NO_CLONING_REMAP_HW No cloning has been performed (but probably the computer HW has been significantly changed). Keep the computer within its identity, just remap the HW.
5 IS_MASTER The device has been marked as the master device

Referenced in messages
