

Creates computers for enrollment using specified data. Optionally sends emails with enrollment links


Name JsonSchemaType Description
adminPasswordAndroid string If specified then this is admin password that will be used for Android devices.
devicesToEnroll array of references to Era.Common.NetworkMessage.ConsoleApi.Groups.RpcEnrollComputersRequest_DeviceInfo List of devices to enroll(re-enroll)
isDeviceOwnerEnrollment boolean For statistics collection purpose only.
isLimitedInputDeviceEnrollment boolean If specified then enrollmentLink from reponse will contain limited input device enrollment link.
licenseUuid reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid If specified then this is the license that will be used for activation tasks.
mailData reference to Era.Common.NetworkMessage.ConsoleApi.Groups.RpcEnrollComputersRequest_EmailData Mail data. If this structure is filled, then emails will be sent if email address is provided for a device.
mdmcoreUuid reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid The uuid of the mdmcore to be used, the uuid is not used in case you are doing only re-enrollements and for cloud MDM
parentGroupUuid reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid The uuid of the static group where to create the computers. The uuid is not used in case you are doing only re-enrollements
policyUuidAndroid reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid If specified then this is the policy that will be used as initial configuration for Android devices.
policyUuidIos reference to Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid If specified then this is the policy that will be used as initial configuration for iOS devices.
useAsyncEmailSender boolean For feature flag CMDM_ASYNC_EMAIL. If value is true, then cMDM async email sender microservice will be used.

Dual message (request/response)


Referenced in messages

No references.


    "title": "Era.Common.NetworkMessage.ConsoleApi.Groups.RpcEnrollComputersRequest",
    "type": "object",
    "$schema": "",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "required": [
    "properties": {
        "Era.Common.NetworkMessage.ConsoleApi.Groups.RpcEnrollComputersRequest": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/RpcEnrollComputersRequest"
    "definitions": {
        "RpcEnrollComputersRequest": {
            "additionalProperties": false,
            "required": [
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "adminPasswordAndroid": {
                    "type": "string"
                "devicesToEnroll": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": [
                            "$ref": "Era.Common.NetworkMessage.ConsoleApi.Groups.RpcEnrollComputersRequest_DeviceInfo#/definitions/RpcEnrollComputersRequest_DeviceInfo"
                "isDeviceOwnerEnrollment": {
                    "type": "boolean"
                "isLimitedInputDeviceEnrollment": {
                    "type": "boolean"
                "licenseUuid": {
                    "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid"
                "mailData": {
                    "$ref": "Era.Common.NetworkMessage.ConsoleApi.Groups.RpcEnrollComputersRequest_EmailData#/definitions/RpcEnrollComputersRequest_EmailData"
                "mdmcoreUuid": {
                    "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid"
                "parentGroupUuid": {
                    "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid"
                "policyUuidAndroid": {
                    "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid"
                "policyUuidIos": {
                    "$ref": "Era.Common.DataDefinition.Common.Uuid#/definitions/Uuid"
                "useAsyncEmailSender": {
                    "type": "boolean"