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Offline Repository - Windows

You can use the Mirror Tool to create an offline repository (on Windows). Usually this is needed for closed computer networks or networks with limited internet access. The Mirror Tool can be used to create a clone of the ESET repository in a local folder. This cloned repository can be afterward moved (for example, onto an external disk) to a location in the closed network. You can copy the repository to a secure location in the local network and make it available via HTTP server.

To update the offline repository, run the same command with the same parameters as used for offline repository creation. Previous data in the intermediary folder will be used and only outdated files will be downloaded.


Be aware that the size of the repository is growing and the intermediary directory will be the same size. Make sure you have at least 1.2 TB of free space before starting this procedure.

Best practices

See also the ESET Knowledgebase article Best practices for using the ESET PROTECT in an offline environment.

Example scenario for Windows

I. Create repository clone

1.Download the Mirror Tool.

2.Extract the Mirror Tool from the downloaded .zip file.

3.Prepare (create) folders for:

intermediary files

final repository

4.Open command prompt and change the directory to the folder where the Mirror Tool is extracted (cd command).

5.Run the following command (change the intermediary and output repository directories to the folders from step 3):

6.After the repository is copied to the outputRepositoryDirectory folder, move the folder and its contents to another machine where your closed network is accessible.

II. Set up HTTP server

7.You need an HTTP server running on the machine in the closed network. You can use:

Apache HTTP Proxy from the ESET download site (this scenario)

a different HTTP server

8.Open and extract the files to C:\Program Files\Apache HTTP Proxy

9.Open an administrative command prompt and change the directory to C:\Program Files\Apache HTTP Proxy\bin (cd command).

10.Execute the following command:

httpd.exe -k install -n ApacheHttpProxy


11.Using a simple text editor, open the C:\Program Files\Apache HTTP Proxy\conf\httpd.conf file and add the following lines at the bottom of the file:

12. Start the ApacheHttpProxy service using the following command:

sc start ApacheHttpProxy

13. Test if the service is running by opening http://YourIPaddress:80/index.html in your web browser (replace YourIPaddress with IP address of your computer).

III. Run the offline repository

14. Create a new folder for the offline repository, for example, C:\Repository.

15. In the httpd.conf file, replace the following lines

DocumentRoot "C:\Program Files\Apache HTTP Proxy\htdocs"
<Directory "C:\Program Files\Apache HTTP Proxy\htdocs">

with the address of the repository folder, as follows:

DocumentRoot "C:\Repository"
<Directory "C:\Repository">

16. Copy the downloaded repository into C:\Repository .

17. Restart the ApacheHttpProxy service using the following command:

sc restart ApacheHttpProxy

18. Now your offline repository is running on the address http://YourIPaddress (for example,

19. Set the new repository address using the ESET PROTECT Web Console:

a.ESET PROTECT Server - Click More > Settings > Advanced Settings > Repository and type the offline repository address to the Server field.

b.ESET Management Agents - Click Policies, click the Agent policy > Edit > Settings > Advanced Settings > Repository > type the offline repository address to the Server field.

c.ESET endpoint products (for Windows) - Click Policies, click the ESET Endpoint for Windows policy > Edit > Settings > Update > Profiles > Updates > Modules Updates > Deselect Choose automatically and type the offline repository address to the Custom server field.