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Recover a forgotten password for ESET PROTECT VA

Recover the forgotten operating system user password

1.In the Boot Grub Menu select the option to edit: e.

2.Go to the line starting with linux... and change ro to rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh

3.Press CTRL+X to start the ESET PROTECT VA in a Single-User Mode.

4.Access the system with this command:

chroot /sysroot

5.When you are in the shell in Single-User Mode, change your root password using the passwd root command.

If you receive the “passwd: Authentication token manipulation error”, follow these troubleshooting steps.

6.Update SELinux information:

touch /.autorelabel

7.Exit chroot:


8.Reboot your system:


Reset the forgotten database root password

1.Stop the MySQL service:

sudo systemctl stop mysqld

2.Start MySQL in safe mode:

sudo mysqld_safe — skip-grant-tables &

3.Connect to MySQL:

mysql -u root

4.Use the MySQL database:

use mysql;

5.Update the root user password:

UPDATE user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD(‘new_password’) WHERE User=’root’;

6.Reload the privileges:


7.Exit MySQL:


8.Stop the MySQL service:

sudo systemctl stop mysqld

9.Restart MySQL:

sudo systemctl start mysqld

Now, you can log in to MySQL using the new password.