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Webmin Management Interface

Webmin is a third-party web based interface that simplifies the process of managing a Linux system. Webmin was written for use by people who have some Linux experience, but are not familiar with the intricacies of system administration. It allows you to perform these tasks through an easy to use web interface and automatically updates all of the required configuration files for you. This makes the job of administering your system much easier.

Webmin is accessible through a web browser, you can log in to it from any system (client computer or a mobile device) that is connected to your network. It is easier to use over the network than locally using other graphical configuration programs.

All recent versions of Webmin may be freely distributed and modified for commercial and non-commercial use. You can find more information on the Webmin web pages.


Webmin is included in your ESET PROTECT Virtual Appliance. To begin using it, you must enable it. It uses HTTPS and runs on port 10000. The IP address for Webmin will be shown in the ESET PROTECT VA Management Console screen.

To access Webmin:

Open your web browser and type the IP address or hostname of your deployed ESET PROTECT VA in the address bar and use port 10000. The URL should be in the following format: https://<host name or IP address>:10000 for example or https://esmcva:10000.

Type username and password:

othe username is root

othe default password is eraadmin, but if you have already changed it, use the password you specified during ESET PROTECT VA configuration.


After a successful login, the Webmin Dashboard will be displayed.