Certification Authorities
Certification Authorities are listed and managed in the Certification Authorities section. If you have multiple Certification Authorities, you can apply a filter to sort them.
Certification Authorities and certificates are accessed using the same permissions for the Certificates function. Certificates and authorities created during installation, and those created afterward by the administrator, are contained in the All static group. See the list of permissions for more information on access rights. |
Click Actions to manage the selected Certification Authority:
•New - Create a new Certification Authority
• Tags - Edit tags (assign, unassign, create, delete).
• Edit - Edit the Certification Authority description.
• Audit Log - View the Audit Log for the selected item.
• Delete - Delete the selected Certification Authority.
• Export Public Key - Use this option to back up your Certification Authorities.
• Access Group >
Move - Move the object to another Static Group where it is available to users with sufficient rights to the target group. Changing the Access Group is useful when solving access issues with other users. Access Group sets the object's Static Group and access to the object based on the user's access rights.
Filters and layout customization
You can customize the current Web Console screen view:
•Manage the side panel and main table.
•Add filters and filter presets. You can use tags for filtering the displayed items.
How to divide access to certificates and authorities If Administrator does not want to allow the user John to access ESET PROTECT Certification Authorities, but needs him to be able to work with certificates, the administrator has to follow these steps: 1.Create a new Static Group called Certificates. 2.Create new Permission set. a.Name this permission set Permissions for certificates. b.Add a group named Certificates in section Static Groups. c.In the Functionality section, select Write for Certificates. d.In the Users section, click e.Click Finish to save the permission set. 3.Move certificates from the All group to the newly created Certificates group: a.Navigate to More > Peer Certificates. b.Select the check boxes c.Click Actions > Now, John is able to modify and use moved certificates. However, Certification Authorities are safely stored out of this user's reach. John will not be able even to use existing authorities (from group All) for signing any certificates. |