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Notifications | Network Inspector

Below are several notifications that can be shown when ESET Security Ultimate detects some vulnerability issue on your router. Each notification contains a short description and provides some solution or steps that should be done to minimize vulnerability risk of your router. If you are not familiar with router changes, we recommend contacting your router manufacturer or internet provider.

MONITOR_ORANGE Potential vulnerability found

Your router may contain known vulnerabilities that could make it easy to attack and exploit. Update your router's firmware.

MONITOR_RED Vulnerability found

Your router contains known vulnerabilities that make it easy to attack and exploit. Update your router's firmware.

MONITOR_RED Threat found

Your router is infected by malware. Restart your router and repeat the scan.

MONITOR_RED Weak router password

The password on your router is weak and can be easily quessed by someone else. Change the password in your router.

MONITOR_ORANGE Malicious network redirection

Your internet traffic appears to be redirected to malicious websites. This can mean your router is compromised. Change the DNS server setting in your router.

MONITOR_ORANGE Open network services

Your router runs network services that may be exploited by others. This can be due to poor configuration or a compromised router. Check your router's configuration.

MONITOR_RED Sensitive open network services

Your router runs sensitive network services that may be exploited by others. This can be due to poor configuration or a compromised router. Check your router's configuration.

MONITOR_ORANGE Firmware outdated

The firmware on your router is outdated and may contain vulnerabilities. Update the firmware on your router.

MONITOR_RED Malicious router setting

This DNS server that your uses is malicious and may send you to dangerous websites. This can mean your router is compromised. Change the DNS server setting in your router.

icon_details_hover Network services

Your router runs common network services. These are needed by the network and are probably safe. Check your router's configuration.